sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2018


Hi everyone! Welcome to my post about: What I learnt in this week on English Class? 

In this week we learnt a lot of things:

  • On Tuesday, we learnt about conditionals: 0, 1 and 2 types. 

  • On Wednesday, some girls of UMA were in the High School and they explained us a lot of tips for translation and interpretation. That information will be useful for us in “Fair Saturday’s Project”.

  • On Thursday, we were revising all the contents for the exam: conditionals, tenses and a lot of vocabulary.

  • On Friday, we did the exam. It consisted in write a composition about two pictures using conditionals, tenses, vocabulary about volunteering...
  • Here is my exam’s draft: 

    In conclusion, I learnt to study with examples, and I will study from now with this method. I think I did a good work this week, I studied a lot!

    And this is all. Past week were a very productive week. I am very happy for that. Thank you for read my post! See you in next! 

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2018

My chosen book - El Abuelo (Benito Pérez Galdós)

¡Hola a todos! Hoy voy a publicar en mi blog el libro que he elegido para leer en la asignatura de Lengua. También pondré algunas razones por las que lo he elegido:


Razón 1: He oído hablar muy bien del autor. 
Razón 2: Varias personas me lo han recomendado, y dicen que es muy bonito.
Razón 3: Este libro dispone de una película, que podré ver después de leerlo.

Sin más, me despido en esta entrada ¡Deseadme suerte en mi lectura!

   Fuente de la imagen: https://goo.gl/images/HFodoq