jueves, 20 de junio de 2019


¡Hola a todos y todas! Nos encontramos en los últimos días de esta etapa, la ESO, y he decidido escribir un espacio en este blog para poder concluir esta etapa. Esta entrada es una tarea de la asignatura de LCL de 4ºESO.

En primer lugar, decir que esta etapa ha sido muy buena. Hemos vivido fantásticos momentos con profesores/as y amigos/as. Bromas, viajes, conversaciones... Creo que esta etapa será recordada por la mayoría como una de las mejores de nuestras vidas.

Sin embargo, también hemos sufrido muchos momentos de alta carga de trabajo y estrés. Muchas situaciones de saturación por cargar con el trabajo de otros compañeros más irresponsables llegando incluso a producirnos ansiedad. Creo que este aspecto sería uno de los que el método ABP debería plantearse solucionar, ya que no es nada justo para el alumnado responsable que cumple con todas sus obligaciones como es debido tener que trabajar el cuádruple de lo que le corresponde.

Durante estos 4 años, he mejorado mucho mis habilidades comunicativas, realizando muchas exposiciones, no solo en el centro educativo, sino en lugares más importantes como la Universidad de Granada.

En resumen, creo que aunque esta etapa ha sido muy dura para mi y muchos de mis compañeros, la recordaremos con cariño gracias a todos aquellos profesores y profesoras que nos ayudaron y se interesaron por nuestras situaciones personales.

Espero que durante todo el recorrido de mi blog hayáis podido ver mi evolución y crecimiento educativo. Sin más, quiero deciros que esto no es ni mucho menos un adiós, sino solo el principio de un camino que me ayudará a conseguir mis metas ¡Gracias por estar a mi lado durante toda esta etapa!

sábado, 15 de junio de 2019

English´s Portfolio - 3º TERM

Hello everyone! Welcome to a new post in my blog. Today, I am going to talk about how was our 3º term in the subject of English.

In this term we have made some projects:

- Email: we made an email for the UMA to request information about the degree that we would like to do in the future.

- Fridays For Future: this project consisted into do some initiatives for reduce global warming. Each group chose one thematic, for example: Reforestation, Food Wastage... and did a research about it. Later, we create a Google Form with questions about these tematics to know how the people thinks about that. We are going to send this form around the world for put our pinch of sand on the Fridays For Future´s World Initiative.

- Speaking: we did a video of 3 - 5 minutes talking about our experience along this course in English´s subject.

- Brexit´s Project: in this project, we learnt more about the brexit to can have an opinion about this thematic. It was so interesting because we worked on a real contex.

Now, I am going to go into detail about Fridays For Future´s Project:

In this project, we have learnt a lot of vocabulary about Climate Change that we didn´t know before. Also, we revise how to do questions correctly and taking into account the factors that a question in a form have to include.

The group work along this project was so good because we could chose our group at the start of the 3º Term, and it made the climate of work much better.

Also, we learnt a lot of things for our future life, for example, the value of the world that we have and how to take after of it.

But, not every were projects... also we did other activities, for example:

- We did a video in pairs doing a debate about "Brexit". I made that video with my friend Julia, she was against to the brexit and she was far to that. Here can you see our final product:

- Writting into Fridays For Future´s project: we did a slogan about the climate change in our town, later, we did a poster and we sent it to twitter with a short and shocking message. Doing this activities, I learnt how to do a good slogan and a shocking tweet. I hadn´t any dificulty. Here is my final product:

Also, I took notes in my notebook, for example:

Along this term I worked a lot using all my time in class and a considerable time in my house. But, it paid off with much new knowledges. For example: 

- Vocabulary and expressions (in this post: knowledges, global warming...).
- Tenses (in this post I used many times tenses like past simple or present perfect, also, present simple and continous and other tenses like will (future) & be going to (future).
- Organization of texts (for example, the paragraphs that I made in this post).
- Punctuation and linking words (in this task, you can see many different sentences separated with points and linking words like also, but...).
- New grammar´s structures (in this task, you can see a passive sentence ("The election of our groups had made the climate of work much better"), a conditional sentence ("If we could always choose our groups, our experiences working with ABP would be much better"), and a reported speech sentence ("Many teachers told us that if they lend us choose our groups we would chose always our friends"). 

The election of our groups had made the climate of work much better, because we choose classmates who we know that are going to work correctly. If we could always choose our groups, our experiences working with ABP would be much better. Many teachers told us that if they lend us choose our groups we would chose always our friends, but, it isn´t true, because If I know that my friends isn´t going to work, I don´t chose to work with they. 

In my opinion, the English´s subject is one of the more useful subjects that we have in the High School, because know other language it´s going to open many doors tu us in our future lifes. The best of this subject was learnt to research in English, because we can have many results if we search in english than if we search in spanish. 

During this term, I used English in many occasions while I was working in class. I think it was a good advance for me and I am going to continue doing that activity next course.

Also, during this course I have learnt to use real excersices for study English, and I think it is the better way to do it. So, next year I hope can continuing learning with this method. 

In conclussion, I think this term was so productive because we revise all the course and we also learnt new things. I am so proud of my advantages in the subject along the course. Thanks for read my post!